
This morning my neighbor sounded like he was coughing up a lung. He is a young guy that smokes weed everyday for years, but I have never heard him cough like that. His door is below my window so I heard him hack and wheeze for four minutes before his car started and he drove off for the day. I laid in bed and stared into nothing. The virus was here. It was right next to me. The city I live in was yesterday determined to be one of the top 10 epicenters in the United States. I can only see this getting worse as the week draws on. My neighbor works two jobs. He was laid off from one last weekend so now he works one job. The stimulus bill to give every American $1200 was passed yesterday, but Moscow Mitch also made a move to adjourn until mid-April; stalling the package for another month. I fear that by then enough people will have missed paychecks for crime to skyrocket. Especially here.

The gun shop is receiving a 22 LR pistol transfer for me. I have pistols already, but none in 22 long rifle. 22 is the only ammo I have in abundance at the moment, and the only ammo that can be found relatively easily in the foreseeable future. Therefore this pistol and my 60 year old 22 LR rifle are what I need to be prepared to rely on.